This is Yahtzee, with a twist! The hands you make will be used to generate a squad of dice-warriors, that will then go to battle with your AI opponent. At the end, one final battle will be waged, with all of your surviving dice. May luck be with you, and may you find a die-cisive victory!!

Made for the GMTK 2022 jam!

Coding: Myself
Music:  /

Theme: 'Roll of the Dice'

Note: You are the player on the right. All controls are mouse-based. Clicking on a die after it has been rolled will 'lock' it and prevent it from changing for that round.

You may need to scroll down and full-screen the game in order to play.

Known Bugs [* = will be fixed when we can upload new builds]:

*Final fight (round 13) is a bit jank.
*Small Straights don't always register. (I think it's just straights of 12234 or similar that cause this)
Sometimes dice will break free of the arena.
*Some background images obscure the playing area.

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